By , on September 4th, 2012

School! Already?!

As I tried to fall asleep last night, it occurred to me that today my baby will be starting Young 5’s. I know that I should be thrilled with the all the “free” time heading my way, and I’m sure that I will find being alone four afternoons a week will allow me the potential to move mountains, but I have to tell you, my heart is heavy; there’s a …Read More

By , on May 2nd, 2012

An Extra Shot of Espresso- Free!

Good morning to you all! I fell into bed last night around 11:40pm, with my mind buzzing with Mother’s Day Mixer details. I need my mom’s coffee maker, I need more jewelry stands, I have to finish planting flowers, will the back garage be ready? I must have eventually fallen asleep, despite my lovely 2 day headache; as the 6 am alarm woke me way too soon. I jumped up …Read More

By , on February 21st, 2012

Nice and Tidy

Ah Mondays- love ’em! Especially after a 4 day weekend. The laundry begins to reproduce in the baskets. Boots, mittens, hats, and snow pants create an obstacle course through the narrow hallway we call “mudroom.” Dishes clutter both sides of the sink, the dishwasher is full, and so is the table. Library books, school papers, random games and toys, are lying here, there and everywhere. Not a pick-up task for …Read More